Can my SMSF invest in property development?

Australians love property and the lure of a 15% preferential tax rate on income during the accumulation phase, and potentially no tax during retirement, is a strong incentive for many SMSF trustees to dream of large returns from property devel…

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Australian super funds gorge on cryptocurrency

The value of cryptocurrency assets inside Australian self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) increased by 589.9% ($1.17bn) between June 2019 and June 2022, according to the latest ATO statistics.

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Acquiring collectibles inside your SMSF

Clients with self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) often ask what assets the SMSF can acquire. The golden rule for acquiring assets inside your SMSF is to ask why?

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Property investing and SMSFs – the differences

Investing in property seems to be part of every Australian’s DNA. Given the significant growth in property prices in Australia, clients are now looking at using their super to invest in property via a Self Managed Superannuation Fund.

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