How high will interest rates go?

Low interest rates have been a mainstay since the global financial crisis of 2008. When the pandemic hit, Governments pushed stimulus measures through the economy and central banks reduced interest rates even further.

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Australian super funds gorge on cryptocurrency

The value of cryptocurrency assets inside Australian self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) increased by 589.9% ($1.17bn) between June 2019 and June 2022, according to the latest ATO statistics.

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Acquiring collectibles inside your SMSF

Clients with self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) often ask what assets the SMSF can acquire. The golden rule for acquiring assets inside your SMSF is to ask why?

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Bull or Bear: What does the future hold for investors?

Many leading economists and market professionals believe that we are now in the early stages of a cyclical change in the economic landscape, following three decades of low inflation and shrinking interest rates. It’s a challenging time fo…

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Interest rates and the role of the RBA

The Reserve Bank of Australia raised interest rates in July by 0.5 percentage points, making the new cash rate 1.35 per cent. The RBA is raising rates in a bid to slow down, hopefully not stop, household spending. This, in turn, hopefully, slo…

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Navigating investment markets in uncertain times like these

As inflation returns, investors are now faced with a very different economic environment to the past decade. A decade of low-interest rates, low inflation and rising asset prices. You could forgive people for thinking that’s just the way it is…

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Super Strategies for EOFY

We talk to a lot of clients about the best strategies to maximise their superannuation balance prior to retirement. The more money you have in super when you retire, the more choice you have about your retirement lifestyle. At present, you and…

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