Navigating investment markets in uncertain times like these

As inflation returns, investors are now faced with a very different economic environment to the past decade. A decade of low-interest rates, low inflation and rising asset prices. You could forgive people for thinking that’s just the way it is…

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Super Strategies for EOFY

We talk to a lot of clients about the best strategies to maximise their superannuation balance prior to retirement. The more money you have in super when you retire, the more choice you have about your retirement lifestyle. At present, you and…

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Super Strategies for EOFY

We talk to a lot of clients about the best strategies to maximise their superannuation balance prior to retirement. The more money you have in super when you retire, the more choice you have about your retirement lifestyle. At present, you and…

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The 120% deduction for skills training and technology costs

It’s a great headline, isn’t it? Spend $100 and get a $120 tax deduction. Days after the Federal Budget announcement that businesses will be able to claim a 120% deduction for expenditure on training and technology costs, we started receiving …

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The 120% deduction for skills training and technology costs

It’s a great headline, isn’t it? Spend $100 and get a $120 tax deduction. Days after the Federal Budget announcement that businesses will be able to claim a 120% deduction for expenditure on training and technology costs, we started receiving …

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Can I claim a tax deduction for my gym membership?

There are lots of reasons to keep fit, but very few of them have to do with how we earn our income. As a result, a tax deduction for a gym membership isn’t available to most people. And yes, the Tax Office has heard all the arguments before ab…

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Can I claim a tax deduction for my gym membership?

There are lots of reasons to keep fit, but very few of them have to do with how we earn our income. As a result, a tax deduction for a gym membership isn’t available to most people. And yes, the Tax Office has heard all the arguments before ab…

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